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gain strength是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain strength

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1.力量增加 gain control of 控制 gain strength 力量增加;增加力量 diversity gain 分集增益 ...

2.充实力量 ... 接着老师提出一个词组, 比方 充实力量 gain strength, 再加上另外一个动词的用法, 比方拒绝参加 refuse to join, ...

3.增加力量 gain control of 控制 gain strength 力量增加;增加力量 diversity gain 分集增益 ...


1.I noticed that his hair was growing and he began to gain strength everyday.我注意到他的头发又开始长长了,力气也一天比一天大了。

2.Scorpio is the Greta Garbo of signs - you gain strength by being alone - and then you are ready to be with friends again.天蝎是葛丽泰嘉宝的标志——你从独处中获得力量——然后就可以再次与朋友在一起。

3.The Usd continued to gain strength in the Asian session, as escalating problems in the European banking sector unnerved participants.美元在亚洲市场持续加强,欧洲银行界日益严重的问题使参与者神经绷紧。

4.Perseverance, these can let me gain strength, prompted me to forward courageously.毅力,这些都能让我从中获取力量,促使我奋勇前行。

5.However, Wang Anyi's novels guided us into a world full of warmth and let us gain strength to rise in spirit.而王安忆的小说把我们引入一个充满温情的世界,使人获得一种精神上的升腾力量。

6.Gustav is expected to move over open waters today where forecasters say it could gain strength as it makes its way toward the Gulf Coast .古斯塔可能在今天越过开阔水域,预报员称它会积蓄力量前往海湾。

7.As Labour takes a hit, observers were watching to see whether fringe parties would gain strength.就在工党遭遇挫折之际,观察人士正在看一些小党是否能借机增强实力。

8.If it doesn't it may continue to gain strength and a grudging respect.如果中国不这么做,它可以继续增强自己的实力和勉强获得的尊重。

9."You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face" (Eleanor Roosevelt).“每当你经历一次真正的危险,你的力量、勇气和信心就会增加一次”(爱琳娜·罗斯怀特)。

10.You can gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.当你驻足停留,直面恐惧时,你能从每一次经历中获得力量、勇气和信心。
